It's been a pretty wonderful week here at the Paid Family Leave coalition. On Tuesday, seven District of Columbia Councilmembers joined together to introduce the Universal Paid Leave Act of 2015, which would provide family and medical leave for everyone who lives or works in the District.
Coalition members and allies were out in full force to cheer on the bill, and to thank the Council, especially champion Councilmembers David Grosso and Elissa Silverman, for their leadership. Council chambers were a veritable sea of Paid Leave Pink (okay, it's really more of a red).

This landmark bill will allow working Washingtonians to take up to 16 weeks of paid leave to care for a new child, an ailing family member, or a personal illness.
We've been especially excited by all the community support that's come out over the past week. Folks have been sharing their personal connection to this kind of program. In case you missed it, here's one local employer's take on what paid leave for all would mean for him:
I'm an employer, and I support DC's family leave bill
On Thursday, more than 75 of us came together to learn more about this bill and practice the skills we're going to need, as a grassroots coalition, to get it passed. It was a lovely chance to get to know one another and better understand why this is a cause we all believe in.

Councilmember Silverman stopped by, too, to share some of her constituents' stories about why they want this bill.
But the action doesn't stop here. Next up: getting Mayor Bowser on board. She's been a champion for working families before, and we're eager to work with her on this proposal, too. (If you live or work in DC, email her right now and ask for her support.)