Yesterday, parents and babies took to the halls of the DC Council to advocate for paid family and medical leave. Needless to say, the results were adorable.
The Paid Family Leave coalition and Moms Rising organized this special lobby day, which emphasized how DC's paid leave program will impact new parents and their children.
The group of "Super Moms" wanted to make clear that DC's lack of paid leave programs stacks the deck against families, so they dropped off decks of cards to each of the 12 DC Councilmembers' offices.
But the most powerful part of the day was when each mom talked about their own experiences using, or needing, paid leave. Some spoke about difficult pregnancies, or unexpected medical complications. Others wished they'd had more time to breastfeed or otherwise nurture their newborns. Read more about their stories here.
Met Sara & her 3wk old running on 2.5hrs sleep this AM. At 6wks she has to worry about bills getting paid. Reasons why we need #PaidLeave4DC
— CM Silverman Office (@CM_Silverman) November 19, 2015
Many thanks to all the moms for coming out, and to our Councilmembers for hearing our voices!
@keshinil @marycheh @AnitaBondsDC @DCPaidLeave @jufj @dc4d @MomsRising Cutest little advocates in the building!
— Cheh Press (@ChehPress) November 19, 2015