This Father’s Day, tell your representatives on the DC Council that the time is NOW for Paid Family Leave. Click “Take Action” at the top of this page to get started. And don’t miss out on these important stories after the jump.
“Starting when my first child turned six months old, I was able to be with her full time for a whole summer. What a gift! The hours I spent feeding her avocado, singing silly songs, and letting her chew on my fingers gave us an intimate connection that is still so palpable several years later. And more: during those two months of nap schedules and diaper bags I came to understand and own the role of parent in a way that I never would have if my only fathering time had also been in the presence of her (much more competent and proactive) Mom. Last week my second child turned six months old. And as I head out of the house every morning, now living a life in which work makes spending a whole summer with him impossible, I look at him and feel a wrenching feeling that says, ‘Who knows what I will be missing today?’”
-Zeke Reich
“Growing up, my dad was always there for me: rushing home early from work to help me with my algebra homework, and showing up not just for every activity, but listening to every social justice/ emotional rant of the day. In 2009, my dad was diagnosed with a rare liver disease and needed a liver transplant. As a social worker by day and a Jewish professional by night, I wanted to spring into action. While both positions were extremely supportive, there were financial limits as an independent contractor. You don't get paid if you don't show up! Instead of hitting the ground running, I had to spend many days away from him when he needed me the most. No child or loved one should have to choose between a caretaker role or an income."
-Sharon Greenbaum
“Many fathers work hard to take care of their families, but I always knew growing up that my Dad worked extra hard to take care of me and my brother. My brother is autistic, and unfortunately we don't yet live in a society where parents can rely on society make sure there is a place for everyone in the community regardless of their disabilities. So my Dad put in long hours -- and still puts in long hours -- to make sure there are the resources available to provide for my brother's well-being. However, this often meant time I got to spend with my Dad was rare. I cherished such time as I had, and I can only imagine how my life and my brother's life would have been enriched if he had been able to take medical leave when my brother's condition required it.”
-Elliott Becker
“After my grandmother passed away, my grandfather was not in good health and moved in with my family. Our whole family helped take care of him as his health continued to decline, and it was critical that my mom had the flexibility at work to be able to take him to doctors appointments, to arrange nursing care, and to take time off in his final weeks to keep him comfortable. Because of this, I got to know and take care of my grandfather in a way I never had before. And he was able to pass with dignity in his home with the people he loved around him.”
-Monica Kamen