DC Council Hearing After Recess

As you might know, we’ve been waiting for Chairman Mendelson to announce a hearing to discuss proposed legislation that would repeal and replace the Universal Paid Leave Act.

Although it was expected to take place before mid-July, we recently received confirmation that the DC Council hearing will not take place until after the summer recess -- sometime in September or even October.

Although it sounds far away, we need to use this summer to build a powerful and unbeatable movement to protect the Universal Paid Leave Act. We are still in serious need of people to sign up to testify at the hearing! Here’s what testifying means…

  • We help you with talking points, fact sheets, and give you all the information you need to prepare your 2-3 minute remarks.  

  • You'll attend the hearing and have your 3 minutes of fame! DC Council Members might even ask you a question or two about your story.  

By testifying in this upcoming hearing, you'll get a chance to tell your personal story to the DC Council and make your voice heard on this incredibly important issue. YOU will help the movement for paid family and medical leave cross the finish line!

Please sign up here or share this link with anyone you know who might want to: http://bit.ly/LetsProtectUPLA. Of course, we'll keep you posted on the exact date of the hearing once it becomes public.
