This Memorial Day weekend, shop your values: support businesses that support paid family leave!

Some big lobbyists would love for you to believe that paid leave is bad for business. Apparently, our local business community didn’t get the message. They’re joining the DC Paid Family Leave coalition in droves—because caring for your employees is good business. These businesses recognize that life happens to all of us, and nobody should have to choose between caring for themselves, a new child, an elderly parent, or a sick partner, and earning a paycheck.

PRESS RELEASE: Advocates Call on Mayor Bowser and DC Council to Advance Complete Agenda for Working Families

For Immediate Release
April 12, 2016

Contact: Rebecca Ennen

During last month’s State of the District address, Mayor Bowser committed to raise the minimum wage by 2020. Today, local economic justice advocates are calling on the Mayor and the Council to go further and support a complete agenda for working families. At a time of enormous national momentum for policies that meet the needs of 21st century working families and catalyze strong local economies, DC should be a model jurisdiction in creating more good jobs that enable struggling people and families to earn a decent living.

PRESS RELEASE: DC Paid Family Leave Campaign Celebrates New York’s Progress on 12 Weeks of Paid Family Leave for All

For Immediate Release
April 4, 2016

Contact: Rebecca Ennen

“We congratulate our fellow activists in New York who worked tirelessly to achieve this momentous victory for working families, and salute the elected leaders who listened to their voices and took action. Today’s families need both higher wages and paid leave to pay the bills, care for children and loved ones, and have a fair shot at a decent life. We’re excited to see New York lead the way– leadership we hope the DC Council and Mayor Bowser will follow."

PRESS RELEASE: Experts tell Council: Cost of Paid Leave For All Low, Business and Community Benefits Significant

January 14, 2016

Contact: Josh Nanberg, 267/242-7268


Days after DC area was named “most expensive place to raise a family,” Council hears testimony on plan to offer 16 weeks paid family and medical leave to DC residents and employees.

This holiday season, make sure Mayor Bowser remembers paid family leave.

This holiday season, make sure Mayor Bowser remembers paid family leave.

It's the holidays, and many of us are looking forward to spending the season with our loved ones.  But while we can plan around calendared holidays, there are many times that our families need us unexpectedly. So before Mayor Bowser goes on vacation, will you take a moment to remind her that we need her leadership on Paid Family Leave?

Please take 5 minutes to write a personalized note about why you support paid leave for everyone living or working in DC. Personal emails, as opposed to form letters, are more likely to be read and responded to.

"Paid Leave Would Help DC Families"

"Paid family leave is vitally important to building and maintaining healthy families and strong communities in DC."

That's the crux of a blog post by the DC Fiscal Policy Institute that came out today. DCFPI Executive Director Ed Lazere argues that a strong paid leave program will especially help low- and moderate-income DCers remain financially stable even when life circumstances are anything but.

Testimony for Paid Family Leave

Testimony for Paid Family Leave

Last Wednesday, several dozen invited experts testified before the DC Council about our paid family leave bill, the Universal Paid Leave Act of 2015. One witness was Jacob Feinspan, Executive Director of lead coalition partner Jews United for Justice.

Jacob spoke movingly about his own experience caring for a premature newborn, and how this inspired him to offer paid parental leave to the JUFJ staff. Read the rest of Jacob's testimony below.

Personal stories in the National Journal

Last Thursday, partner group MomsRising helped organize a lobby day at the DC Council. Moms, moms-to-be, and some precious cargo told Councilmembers why DC needs paid family and medical leave. The National Journal was there to capture some of the advocates' stories. Read them here.

Zaida Espada and her 11 month-old daughter Zoe helped deliver petitions and personal stories to the D.C. Council on Thursday in support of the DC Universal Paid Leave Act. (Emily Jan / National Journal)

Zaida Espada and her 11 month-old daughter Zoe helped deliver petitions and personal stories to the D.C. Council on Thursday in support of the DC Universal Paid Leave Act. (Emily Jan / National Journal)

Letters to the Washington Post editor in response to "D.C.’s paid-leave proposal goes way too far"

The Washington Post's Editorial Board wrote a misguided and inaccurate editorial about the bill for Paid Family Leave in DC. In response, several people wrote letters to the Washington Post Editor with corrections to show why they care about Paid Family Leave for DC. Here are some of the letters that show why DC needs Paid Family and Medical Leave.

Click to read more

"I'm an employer, and I support DC's family leave bill"

"I'm an employer, and I support DC's family leave bill"

There's a reason so many small businesses and nonprofits have signed on to the Paid Family Leave coalition. Strong, fair leave policies benefit workers AND bosses. David Alpert is a local writer who covers urban policy for Greater Greater Washington. He's also a father and an employer. Here's why he supports paid family and medical leave for everyone who works or lives in DC.

Media Roundup: Paid Family Leave Bill Introduction

Media Roundup: Paid Family Leave Bill Introduction

Yesterday, seven District of Columbia Councilmembers joined together to introduce the Universal Paid Leave Act of 2015, which would provide family and medical leave for everyone who lives or works in the District.

The program, championed by DC's At-Large Councilmembers David Grosso and Elissa Silverman, would allow working Washingtonians to take up to 16 weeks of paid leave to care for a new child, an ailing family member, or a personal illness.

If the bill is successful, DC will be the first city in the nation to provide family and medical leave for all. It's a fact that local and national media couldn't ignore. Here is just some of the coverage the introduction of this landmark legislation received:


The Washington Post Agrees: DC Needs Paid Family Leave!

Aaron Davis of the Washington Post writes, "The District would become the most generous place in the country for a worker to take time off after giving birth or to care for a dying parent under a measure supported by a majority of the D.C. Council."

Read why here at the Washington Post. And vote in the poll - do you want to see Paid Family Leave in DC??